by Zai

by Zai

“I have to overcome the fear of height, to reach the place of paradise”

Crossing high mountain near in front of us, is the short-cut way to our chosen destination, the falls; the usual way is by riding any wheeled vehicle because it is very far from us. At first, as if I will back-out but my excitement prevails.

We commence our climbing up, up, and up. Wow! Fantastic! On top, I see the beauty of Mother Nature, her virgin forest, the blue ocean between the tips of the mountains, and the towns with its lovely residences. We continue  hiking until we have to pass a steep, long and narrow pathway. I cannot withstand looking downward. I feel nervous, am trembling, uneasy and feeling falling. I don’t know what to do.  I stop, thinking of retreat; but to be alone?  No way, I have to overcome the feeling of fear.

I face toward the mountainside, holding whatever plants or trees.   At last, I  have survived the terrible experience.  We are going downhill then. Someone tips me not to point anywhere or to whatever view I loved while traveling in a belief that the vicinity is guarded by spirits, so we can travel safe and sound.

Here we are at the falls. The falls are called the seven-basin falls. They are either created naturally or man-made. We are at the foot of the seventh basin. One has to climb up for the second one, up again for the third and so on ’till the seventh basin which hardly can be climbed up due to the straight formation of rocks.

The first basin is the largest, widest and shallow among the seven basins and it is usually the choice for swimming especially for those who want to take a bath and savor the coolness of the spring.
