Every individual is faced with challenges in every side of the coin, it may be in career, love, relationship, money,  goal or principle.  It differs depending on the status in community or society you belong.

In career for example, you finished a certain degree, however, the opportunity of using the studied degree eluded you in a moment of time that you were financially in dire need, therefore, you were compelled to work to another field against what you really desired.

DETERMINATION and FOCUS are your pillar of strength in order to accept and enjoy your current job that unknowingly soon will give you happiness and satisfaction.

If however, you were fortunate to come across a job in line of your career,  the challenges sprouted too within the workplace among co-workers, from the lower to the higher level.  Being newly employed, you were being watched and were given overloaded tasks even not by your superior but by your co-workers and for the sake of harmony you had to cooperate.

Here, DETERMINATION is your tool toward success in maintaining your job.  FOCUS, is another tool to accomplish anything  successfully.

The REWARD for your determination and focus will bring you financial stability, honor and satisfaction in your chosen endeavor.

In every facet of life, use determination and focus to attain the necessary goal or desire.
